Reiki IInd Degree Workshop

Reiki Energy from distance

Reiki distance healing

 Experiences of Reiki can be further taken to greater heights by learning the Second Degree which provides us an opportunity to attune to higher levels of Reiki energy. The initiations of Second Degree attune a person to the power keys or symbols, which are used at this level to perform absentee healing and a stronger form of mental / emotional healing. Second Degree learning requires 12 hrs of time spread over 2 days

Reiki second degree helps us to perform absentee healing, thus enabling the energy to flow beyond space and time to heal person, objects, desires, intentions, situations and relationships. At this level one beings to wake up to further dimensions of one’s higher self.

Benefits of Reiki IInd Degree

Absentee healing to your dear ones​
Manifest your possible desires.
Get freedom from negative emotions
Feel freedom in life
Improve our relationships
Increase level of concentration

Other benefits of Reiki IInd Degree

Healing power is increased many times

Healing can be sent to person anywhere in world

Reiki can be given to anyone or self without touch

Healing can be sent to many people at a time

Healing with powerful affirmations for deeper shift

Accelerated Spiritual development and intuitive powers

Reiki can be programmed for important future events

Processes to release emotions like anger, fear, guilt, hatred, rejection, frustration, agony

Completion with those who are no more in life. Healing past to release its impact on current life

Protecting aura and space

Bringing hidden potentials to surface

Reiki to possible desires to manifest them in life

Fill your life with love, peace and prosperity.

Healing relationships to bring love and harmony

To bring shift in qualities and traits of someone

Plan your
Second Degree
REIKI Workshop

Experiences of Reiki can be further taken to greater heights by learning
the Second Degree Reiki
