Reiki Healing with Cosmic Rhythm

Remember how you feel when,
your mother touches your forehead when you are not well.
Your friend pats your shoulder when you are feeling low. 
Your child smiles and your worries are dissolved.
Simple words of love make you feel out of the world

Healing is around us ....
Part of us .. Within us…..
Reiki takes you along the way of even deeper healing ……..

Reiki is the ‘Life Force Energy” that has power to heal. The vibration of unconditional love which has capacity to rejuvenate, revitalize, revive, and regenerate body, mind, and soul. Reiki is an ancient healing art, which has been used since centuries throughout world for physical healing, mental strengthening, emotional balance and for spiritual growth. Reiki is a boon to mankind, a pathway to good health, joy, peace, happiness, harmony within and around.

Reiki practice is neither a belief system nor a religion. It is a method of allowing universal love and harmony to flow to the core of all cells/atoms of mind, body, and spirit in all life forms. Rather than masking symptoms, Reiki flows to the core of what is causing the symptoms and helps in healing the root cause. Reiki is complimentary, respecting and enhancing professional medicine so can be use with any mode of treatment.


Experience Reiki Healing Session with Cosmic Rhythm healers who have experience of providing Reiki Healing session since 20+ years

Reiki Healing with Touch

Personal Healing session with
Cosmic Rhythm Reiki Healer

Distant Reiki Healing

Reiki session can be provided from distance

Contact us for Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing sessions can be helpful in many aspects

Reiki for Freedom
Reiki helps to eliminate negative emotions like Anger, Fear, Sadness, Guilt.  Support to enhance Clarity, Joy, Happiness, Abundance and freedom in life

Executive, Entrepreneurs, Professionals
Reiki helps in relaxation and releasing stress. It helps in achieving balance and harmony in life. Increases vitality and personal power

Women Wellness
Reiki helps women to empower, become more active and create balance between work and home. Helps women to maintain harmony and understanding at home and develop a loving environment.

Reiki improves memory, grasping focus, concentration, will power. It reduces, anxiety, fear, frustration and examination blues

Reiki helps to recover from depression & Insecurities. Develop enthusiasm, will power and aliveness

Reiki helps in de-addiction and breaking bad habits and patterns. It improves will power, self love and positive frame of mind. Helps in releasing negative feelings and emotions

Surgery Recovery
Reiki helps in fast recovery, detoxification, and recuperations. Accelerate healing process.

Patients with ailments:
Reiki help in building immune system, reducing pain, repairing tissue, balancing blood pressure

Reiki healing Session are personalised session and takes approximately 45 mins to one hour. Reiki Master will discuss aboutAfter Reiki healing session, relaxation can be experienced. It is normally progressive and patient need to attend more session over a period of time before the full effects of healing are achieved.

Expectations from Reiki Healing session

How much time is required for Reiki Healing Session

Healing can be experienced in a Reiki Healing session which takes approximately one hour time.

How many sessions are required ?

Number of session depends on cause of issue. Sometimes one session is sufficient, but in some cases various sessions are required. Contact us for further details

Is any preparation required for Reiki Healing Session.

No special preparation is required. Comfortable clothing is advisable while taking healing session.

What can be experienced after Reiki Healing Session

Relaxation and lightness in physical body after Reiki Healing session. Clarity and Peacefulness can be experienced.

Thoughts about Reiki Healing...

“Reiki is Love, Love is wholeness, wholeness is balance, balance is wellbeing, well being is freedom from disease.
Dr Mikao Usui
Japanese Reiki Master
Your Reiki Power is like an aura, it’s a glow, and you are radiating out…
Hawayo Takata
Reiki Master
The calming effect of Reiki on the mind, acts to heal a large number of chronic and acute conditions. It also adds greatly to the efficacy of meditation.
Paula Horan
Author on alternative healing

Initiate change in your life....

Book Reiki Healing session today with experienced healers of Cosmic Rhythm
