
Reiki Workshop

Reiki For
health, happiness
and peace

Learn Reiki with pioneers of USUI Traditional system of Reiki in UAE



in Dubai with Cosmic Rhythm

Reiki First Degree Workshop

Experience Reiki Energy with Touch
Date : 8th & 9th March'25
(Sat, Sun)
Time : 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. 
11th & 12th March'25
(Tue, Wed)
Location: Dubai

Reiki Second Degree

Reiki Healing from Distance
Date : TBD
Location: Dubai

Reiki Refresher

Refresh your skills of Reiki along with experienced teachers of Cosmic Rhythm & start living life in new way

We are flexible with timings please contact us for alternative Schedules

What is Reiki ?

The word Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy. It is the same energy, which brings forth all life in the universe and nourishes it. It is healing method based on the transfer of this universal life energy. In the late 19th century Dr. Mikao Usui rediscovered the key which led to the recovery of a thousand-year-old tradition of healing in 2500 year old Sanskrit Sutras. Reiki is an integrated system of healing working on all levels of being- body, mind, emotions & spirit. Reiki is gentle yet powerful in its effectiveness. It is not a religion or belief system. Throughout the history of mankind healing methods have always existed which were based on the transfer of universal, all pervading life energy. Reiki is one such healing method.

How much Time is required to learn Reiki ?

To learn USUI system of First Degree Reiki one has to spend 10 to 12 hours with Reiki Teacher of Cosmic Rhythm. These 10 to12 hrs need to be  distributed in 2 to 3 days. 

What is taught during Reiki Workshop

Background & History of Reiki, Attunement Process to make channel of energy, Self healing, Healing on other person, How to deal different diseases, Applications & Principles of Reiki, Empowering of Chakras, Chakra Healing, Meditation on Chakras.

How one can learn Reiki ?

To learn Reiki person has to attend two days Reiki Workshop. During the first degree wrokshop a series of four attunements are given by a traditional Reiki Master. In this process, certain energy centres, also known as ‘Chakras’, are opened to enable the person to channel and vibrate a higher amount of Universal Life Force Energy. After this, one can lay his / her hands on another person and transfer Reiki to help accelerate the healing process. The other person draws in just the right amount of this life force energy that he/she needs to absorb, activate or to transform the energy of the physical, mental and etheric bodies. Once a person has been opened up to become a ‘channel’ , concentrated life energy will flow through his hands. He/She will retain this ability for the rest of his life. Then all that one requires is a pair of hands and a willingness to heal.

What are Benefits of Reiki ?

It is an extremely effective technique for total relaxation and stress release. One is filled with a sensation of peace, vitality, joy and security. Treating oneself also helps to release withheld emotions and energy blocks. It works holistically and affects each individual in a very personal way, the result being determined by the need of the person being treated.
Reiki must be experienced to be appreciated.

Reiki is an integrated system of healing working on all levels of being- body, mind, emotions and spirit. Reiki is gentle, non-invasive, yet powerful in its effectiveness. It addresses not only the symptoms but also the cause of disease, so that person can heal it. 

What are requirements to learn Reiki

To learn Reiki no special kind of faith or belief is required. Where other forms of therapy may demand months and years of training for the practitioner, Reiki can be learned within two days. Reiki is a natural system of great simplicity since nothing other than your hands are required to carry it out. In Reiki treatments, use is made solely of neutral but concentrated form of cosmic energy.
Reiki USUI system is easy to learn. No restriction of age, gender or qualification. Practice of Reiki is simple touch and no particular requirement of place, time or posture.

What is importance of right Master ?

Like in every field, selection of right Master is very important in Reiki. Right Master can teach you traditional method of Reiki which is very simple method and no tools or instrument is required. Simple touch is required to heal oneself. The most important aspect is “Right Master” who can guide you in right direction.
Cosmic Rhythm teachers have vast experience of teaching Reiki more than 20 years and teaching only Traditional method of Reiki. Once you learn Reiki with Cosmic Rhythm, teachers will support you life long and will facilitate to bring Transformation in life with help of Reiki 

Who can benefit with Reiki ?


Increase in energy, increases capacity to work. Peace of mind helps in taking right decision. Anxiety, tension and stress can be relieved. Clarity in thinking and decision making abilities help in promotion of business and organization.

Head of Organization

Ability to manifest your goals and achievement of greater productivity through work force. Accomplishment of cooperative work environment

Career woman

Ability to manifest your goals and achievement of greater productivity through work force. Accomplishment of cooperative work environment

House Wives

Learn to support husband, children and other family members. Learn to heal relationships with friends, neighbors and in-laws. Provide healing sessions. Infants, babies, children can be treated with Reiki even by a first degree Reiki channel.


Overcome fears, phobias and confusions. Power of concentration and memory increases. Helps in taking decision, improving self-confidence, awareness and communication power. Second degree helps to program Reiki for exams and interviews

Elderly people

All body aches and pains can be released, thus minimizing the intake of medicines. Relationship with others can be healed.

Other Benefits of Reiki

Experiences of Reiki Channels...

Such a wonderful and beautiful experience joining Reiki classes with Cosmic Rhythm. I give my gratitude to Master and his team at Cosmic Rhythm for their guidance in this holistic journey of mind body and soul.
Reiki Channel
An amazing experience, recommended for everyone. The ambience was good, teachers were professional and considerate. They have flexible timings, conducive environment, vibrant and methodical teaching. All in all a preferred place to learn Reiki.
Dr. Santhosh
Reiki Channel
It was great experience taking the Reiki course. The master was very knowledgeable, hospitable and courteous. Lots of hands-on practices where I benefited a lot. I felt real good after the course.
Reiki Channel

First Degree Workshop during Weekend

Date : 8th & 9th March’25 (Sat-Sun)
Time : 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. 
Location : Dubai

Workshop date and time are flexible, please contact us for alternative schedules

First Degree Workshop during Weekday

Date : 11th & 12th March’25  (Tue, Wed)
Time : 9 A.M to 2 P.M.
Location : Dubai

sECOND Degreee Workshop with
Master Akhilesh

Date : TBD
Location : Dubai

Experience Freedom, joy, happiness and abudance with reiki

Learn Reiki with Cosmic Rhythm
